is a Hub for Latest Job Updates, preparation portal for all Competetive exams, also provides Aptitude Questions, Reasoning questions, English Questions, General knowledge questions, Current affairs monthly wise.
Job Updates - Latest Notifications, Syllabus, Previous Old Paper, Answer Keys, Admit cards, Results many more are available in our android app
We also provide the Latest Private Job vacancies - Walkins, Off Campus, Pool Campus information for both freshers and Experience Candidates
We are planning to provide more categories Soon which are useful to the candidates who are preparing for the Competetive exams
At Recruitment India, we will update the information by exploring various online and offline sources of information.
Our aim is to provide the latest education related news as fast as possible to the students free of cost.
We started this website as a news portal and later we developed the preparation portal and online Tests portal.
Preparation portal is exclusively for the students who want to prepare for their exam and Online Test portal is a mixed portal where you can write free exams and paid exams too
Image Sources : Flaticon
Disclaimer : provides Free education and Job oriented news to help students for preparation. The information provided in the android application and the website is from various sources of information across the internet. We are not associated with any government organization.
Disclaimer: Recruitment India is not affiliated with any government organizations and does not represent any government entity. Any information provided in this app is taken directly from the website
RecruitmentIndia app will not take any responsibility for any errors and Mistakes on the web. Please check other sources of information before you decide.
This app is using the content from the website